Star Wars: Exodus Visual Encyclopedia
Hoersch-Kessel Drive
General Information



Dave Killian



Economic Information
Product Line


Historical Information
Founding Date

Est. Before 4,000 BBY


12 ABY

Other Information


Former Affiliation
Exodus Information
Lead Roleplayer


"4,000 years of excellence."
— Motto of Hoersch-Kessel Drive


Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc. is a successful and well-known starship manufacturer that can date back to the days of the Galactic Republic at least as early as 4,000 BBY.

It was later a subsidiary of the Trade Federation and produced numerous vehicles for them, including the Lucrehulk-class battleship. After the Trade Federation's defeat at the Battle of Naboo, the company was first sold to Duros investors, and, during the Clone Wars, to a Nimbanese clan.

Hoersch-Kessel Drive helped produced starships for the Confederacy of Independent Systems along with the Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps, which included the Recusant-class light destroyer and the Munificent-class star frigate.

In an attempt to make HKD more profitable, its Nimbanese owners closed down the corporation, shutting down hundreds of factories and entire design divisions. This drove many designers and engineers away from the corporation, further weakening the company. Ownership of HKD changed many times between the Clone Wars and the end of the Galactic Civil War.

In late 12 ABY, Hoersch-Kessel Drive was taken over by a consortium of Durese and Balmorran business men, and returned to its roots producing transports and container ships, though it was still unprofitable and produced fewer than a hundred starships a year. Eventually, the businessman Dave Killian, hitherto owner of Killian Arms was appointed CEO in an effort to turn the tide.

Killian indeed managed to turn the tide, and with several large sales, he brought HKD about. Though still the smallest of the 'big' shipyards, Hoersh-Kessel Drive is once again moving up.

Recent History[]

In 13 ABY, the company suffered a major blow when its shipyards at Anaxes was lost when the Empire captured the system. Thanks to quick thinking, the company managed to relocate most of its assets to Balmorra. When the Xen'Chi closed in on Balmorra, the company made its final move to Duro, where it was headquartered for a short time.

After the Empire seized Anaxes, Hoersh-Kessel Drive attempted to form a New Corporate Sector alongside Marrak Armaments. The attempt failed, and the company returned to Balmorra.

In 17 ABY, the company relocated for the last time to the Tarhassan system, which had been taken over by the company a few months before.


Since 13 ABY, HKD has bought up several smaller companies, and now own a healthy number of subsidiaries:

Known Divisions[]

HKD Special Security - A special sub-division of HKD Security, Special Security handle such duties as counter-terrorism and heavy support of security personnel.

Known Employees[]

  • Larek Salan, COO for HKD operations on Duro

Known Assets[]

Product Line[]

In addition to its own products, Hoersh-Kessel Drive is also a subsidiary for several smaller shipyards, as well as having bought the designs of numerous bankrupt shipyards.

Exclusive products[]


General Market[]

Capital Ships[]

Freighters and transports[]



On Demand[]


Capital Ships[]

Freighters and transports[]


Under Development[]



