Star Wars: Exodus Visual Encyclopedia

The Lin’La’Se Nebula

The Lin’La’Se Nebula, named by the Linshi Monks after the god Lin’La’Se, is believed by the Linshi to be where their deity resides. Whether this is true or not currently remains a matter of faith to the Linshi, as the interior of the nebula is a mystery to all who have encountered it. No known instrumentation, expedition, or use of the Force has thus far been able to pierce beyond the outer fringes of the stellar phenomena.

The monks have been studying the nebula for millennia and have even constructed a giant orbital telescope to try and peer into its depths, which currently remains the best means of gathering information on it. At a certain range, all known scanning devices run into an unidentified source of interference that blocks further data acquisition. Similarly, all attempts to use the Force to look beyond the interference have also been blocked at the same range.

While the monks have recorded instances of some of their most enlightened members being contacted by Lin’La’Se, this is not considered to have pierced the veil as it was the god who crossed the divide and not the other way around. Also, as this contact has not been registered by any non-Linshi, the veracity of these claims remains dubious to outsiders.

To counter this odd spectacle, various expeditions have been launched into the nebula over the years to try and gather more information on it. Without exception they have all either been destroyed or simply lost. While there is a lot of speculation about what has happened to the lost expeditions, the cause of their disappearances remains unsolved.

The nebula is classified as one of the natural wonders of the galaxy thanks to the mysteries surrounding it, but to the Linshi Monks it is considered the holiest of holy ground. Their long-held belief is that should the veil of the nebula finally be pierced, the god Lin’La’Se will guide their people to a new galaxy that will be filled with wonders beyond comprehension.
